국내학술대회 LBP를 이용한 얼굴인식의 성능 향상을 위한 평탄한 영역 제외 기법
Count KP167
Paper Level None
IEEE Format 김효영, 정준영, 김승욱, 고성제, "LBP를 이용한 얼굴인식의 성능 향상을 위한 평탄한 영역 제외 기법," 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주, 대한민국, pp. 802-803, Jul. 2013.
김효영, 정준영, 김승욱, 고성제, "LBP를 이용한 얼굴인식의 성능 향상을 위한 평탄한 영역 제외 기법," 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주, 대한민국, pp. 802-803, Jul. 2013.
국내학술대회 향상된 선 엣지 보존 능력의 DFDF 영상 보간법
Count ?
Paper Level None
IEEE Format 김종환, 이승준, 고성제, "향상된 선 엣지 보존 능력의 DFDF 영상 보간법," 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주, 대한민국, pp. 1867-1870, Jul. 2013.
국내학술대회 하반신 가려짐에 강인한 사람 검출 알고리즘
Count ?
Paper Level None
IEEE Format 박승, 김보상, 이성호, 홍태화, 고성제, "하반신 가려짐에 강인한 사람 검출 알고리즘," 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 서울, 대한민국, pp. 623-624, Jul. 3, 2013.
국제학술대회 Order Statistic Last Output Reference Filters
Count IC0001
Paper Level None
IEEE Format A. T. Fam, Y. H. Lee, and S.-J. Ko, "Order Statistic Last Output Reference Filters," Proc. 1987 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, pp. 1248-1251, Dallas, TX, USA, Apr. 1987.
국제학술대회 Detail-preserving Weighted Median Filters
Count IC0002
Paper Level None
IEEE Format S.-J. Ko, Y. H. Lee, and M. K. Prasad, "Detail-preserving Weighted Median Filters," Proc. 1988 Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, pp. 769-774, Princeton, NJ, USA, Mar. 1988.
vol, no, dates, o | p, urls, paper file, program file
국제학술대회 Selective Median Filters
Count IC0003
Paper Level None
IEEE Format S.-J. Ko, Y. H. Lee and A. T. Fam, "Selective Median Filters," Proc. 1988 IEEE Int. Sym. on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1495-1498, Espoo, Finland , Jun. 1988.
no, presentation date, oral | poster, program file
국제학술대회 Software and VLSI Algorithms for Recursive Median Filters
Count IC0004
Paper Level None
IEEE Format S.-J. Ko, Y. H. Lee and A. T. Fam, "Software and VLSI Algorithms for Recursive Median Filters," Proc. 1989 IEEE Int. Sym. on Circuits and Systems, Portland, Oregon, USA, May 1989.
no, presentation date, o | p, program file
국제학술대회 Efficient VLSI Aalgorithm and an Implementation Architecture for Grayscale Morphology
Count IC0005
Paper Level None
IEEE Format S.-J. Ko and M. Shridhar, "Efficient VLSI Aalgorithm and an Implementation Architecture for Grayscale Morphology," Proc. SPIE Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing, vol. 1350, pp. 359-369, San Diego, CA, USA, Jul. 1990.
no, presentation date, o | p, program file
국제학술대회 Image Restoration Algorithms using Modified Quadratic Discriminant Functions
Count IC0006
Paper Level SCIE,None
IEEE Format S.-J. Ko, T.M. Forest , and F. Kimura, "Image Restoration Algorithms using Modified Quadratic Discriminant Functions," Proc. of 28th Annual Allerton Conf., pp. 599-560, Oct. 1990.
vol, no, page, urls, o | p, paper file, program file
국제학술지논문(SCI) Quaternary Census Transform based on the Human Visual System for Stereo Matching
Count IJ 218
Paper Level SCIE
IEEE Format S.-W. Ji, S.-W. Kim, D.-P. Lim, S.-W. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, "Quaternary Census Transform based on the Human Visual System for Stereo Matching," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 116501-116514, Jun. 2020.
S.-W. Ji, S.-W. Kim, D.-P. Lim, S.-W. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, "Quaternary Census Transform based on the Human Visual System for Stereo Matching," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 116501-116514, Jun. 2020.
국제학술지논문(SCI) External Vehicle Positioning System using Multiple Fish-eye Surveillance Cameras for Indoor Parking Lots
Count IJ 219
Paper Level SCIE
IEEE Format S.-T. Kim, M. Fan, S.-W. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, "External Vehicle Positioning System using Multiple Fish-eye Surveillance Cameras for Indoor Parking Lots," IEEE Systems Journal, Accepted.
S.-T. Kim, M. Fan, S.-W. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, "External Vehicle Positioning System using Multiple Fish-eye Surveillance Cameras for Indoor Parking Lots," IEEE Systems Journal, Accepted.
국제학술지논문(SCI) Detail Restoration and Tone Mapping Networks for X-Ray Security Inspection
Count IJ 220
Paper Level SCIE
IEEE Format H.-Y. Kim, S. Park, Y.-G. Shin, S.-W. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, "Detail Restoration and Tone Mapping Networks for X-Ray Security Inspection," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp.197473-197483, Nov. 2020.
H.-Y. Kim, S. Park, Y.-G. Shin, S.-W. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, "Detail Restoration and Tone Mapping Networks for X-Ray Security Inspection," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp.197473-197483, Nov. 2020.
국제학술지논문(SCI) Efficient Impulsive Noise Suppression via Nonlinear Recursive Filtering
Count IJ001
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format Y. H. Lee, S.-J. Ko, and A. T. Fam, “Efficient Impulsive Noise Suppression via Nonlinear Recursive Filtering,” IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-37, pp. 303-306, Feb. 1989.
Y. H. Lee, S.-J. Ko, and A. T. Fam, "Efficient Impulsive Noise Suppression via Nonlinear Recursive Filtering," IEEE Trans. on Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-37, pp. 303-306, Feb. 1989.
국제학술지논문(SCI) Generalisation of Inter-layer Intra Prediction for Scalable Video Coding
Count IJ101
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format C.-S. Park, C.-K. Park, and S.-J. Ko, "Generalisation of inter-layer intra prediction for scalable video coding," Electronics Letters, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 337-338, Feb. 2008.
C.-S. Park, C.-K. Park, and S.-J. Ko, "Generalisation of inter-layer intra prediction for scalable video coding," Electronics Letters, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 337-338, Feb. 2008.
국제학술지논문(SCI) Adaptive Coefficient Scanning Based on Universal Prediction
Count IJ127
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format S.-J. Baek, C.-S. Park, S.-W. Jung, H.-M. Nam, and S.-J. Ko, "Adaptive coefficient scanning based on universal prediction," Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 25, pp. 1302–1304, Dec. 2009.
S.-J. Baek, C.-S. Park, S.-W. Jung, H.-M. Nam, and S.-J. Ko, "Adaptive Coefficient Scanning Based on Universal Prediction," Electronics Letters, vol. 45, no. 25, pp. 1302–1304, Dec. 2009.
국제학술지논문(SCI) Enhanced Frame Rate Up-Conversion Method for UHD Video
Count IJ137
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format T.-S. Wang, K.-S. Choi, H.-S. Jang, A. W. Morales, and S.-J. Ko, “Enhanced frame rate up-conversion method for UHD video,” IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 1108-1114,
May 2010.
T.-S. Wang, K.-S. Choi, H.-S. Jang, A. W. Morales, and S.-J. Ko, “Enhanced Frame Rate Up-Conversion Method for UHD Video,” IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 1108-1114, May 2010.
국제학술지논문(SCI) Improved Method for the Macroblock-Level Deblocking Scheme
Count IJ147
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format
L. T. Ha, S.-W. Jung, S.-J. Baek, and S.-J. Ko, “Improved Method for the Macroblock-Level Deblocking Scheme,” ETRI Journal, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 194-200, Apr. 2011.
국제학술지논문(SCI) Improved Differential Pulse Code Modulation-block Truncation Coding Method Adopting Two-level Mean Squared Error Near-optimal Quantizers
Count IJ148
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format
K.-S. Choi and S.-J. Ko, "Improved Differential Pulse Code Modulation-block Truncation Coding Method Adopting Two-level Mean Squared Error Near-optimal Quantizers," Optical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 047001-1-7, Apr. 2011.
국제학술지논문(SCI) Novel Contrast Enhancement Scheme for Infrared Image using Detail-preserving Stretching.
Count IJ149
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format
J.-H. Kim, J.-H. Kim, S.-W. Jung, C.-K. Noh, and S.-J. Ko, "Novel Contrast Enhancement Scheme for Infrared Image using Detail-preserving Stretching," Optical Engineering, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 077002-1-10, Jul. 2011.
국제학술지논문(SCI) A Gradient Saliency Based Spatio-Temporal Video Noise Reduction Method for Digital TV
Count IJ150
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format
D. Zhang, J.-W. Han, J.-H. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, “A Gradient Saliency Based Spatio-Temporal Video Noise Reduction Method for Digital TV,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1288-1294, Aug. 2011.