Simple Yet Effective Way for Improving the Performance of Lossy Image Compression
IJ217 |
Yoon-Jae Yeo, Yong-Goo Shin, Min-Cheol Sagong, Seung-Wook Kim, Sung-Jea Ko, "Simple Yet Effective Way for Improving the Performance of Lossy Image Compression," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 27, pp. 530-534, Mar. 2020. |
PEPSI++: Fast and Lightweight Network for Image Inpainting
IJ216 |
Y.-G. Shin, M.-C. Sagong, Y.-J. Yeo, S.-W. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, "PEPSI++: Fast and Lightweight Network for Image Inpainting," IEEE transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, pp.1-14, Mar. 2020. |
Improving the robustness of gaze tracking under unconstrained illumination conditions
IJ215 |
K.-H. Uhm, M.-C. Kang, J.-Y. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, "Improving the robustness of gaze tracking under unconstrained illumination conditions," Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp.1-14, Apr. 2020 |
Fast and Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation via Recurrent Neural Network for Capturing Hand Articulations
IJ214 |
C.-H Yoo, S.-W. Ji, Y.-G. Shin, S.-W. Kim, and S.-J. Ko. "Fast and Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation via Recurrent Neural Network for Capturing Hand Articulations," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 114010 - 114019, Jun. 2020 |
Lightweight Prediction and Boundary Attention-based Semantic Segmentation for Road Scene Understanding
IJ213 |
J.-Y. Sun, S.-W. Jung, and S.-J. Ko. "Lightweight Prediction and Boundary Attention-based Semantic Segmentation for Road Scene Understanding," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 108449-108460, Jun. 2020. |
Image Fusion-Based Tone Mapping Using Gaussian Mixture Model Clustering
IP257 |
None |
W.-U. Lee, S. Park, S.-J. Ko, "Image Fusion-Based Tone Mapping Using Gaussian Mixture Model Clustering," ICCE, 2020 |
Parallel Feature Pyramid Network for Image Denoising
IP256 |
None |
S.-J. Cho, K.-H. Uhm, S.-W. Kim, S.-W. Ji, and S.-J. Ko, "Parallel Feature Pyramid Network for Image Denoising, " ICCE 2020. |
A Deep Interactive Segmentation Method with User Interaction-based Attention Module and Polar Transformation
IP255 |
None |
J.-Y. Sun, S.-W. Lee, Y.-W. Kim, B.-S. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, "A Deep Interactive Segmentation Method with User Interaction-based Attention Module and Polar Transformation," ICMV, pp.?, 2019 |
Depth Map Restoration Based on Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Surface Fitting
KP188 |
None |
유재익, 박승, 이상원, 고성제, "Depth Map Restoration Based on Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Surface Fitting," 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회, pp.344-347, 2019 |
CNN기반 Residual Dense Block을 활용한 단일 영상에서의 안개 제거 기법
KP187 |
None |
신홍규, 김준연, 이상원, 유재익, 고성제, "CNN기반 Residual Dense Block을 활용한 단일 영상에서의 안개 제거 기법," 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회, pp.348-350, 2019. |
Pyramid Image Extension: Pyramid Convolutional Module을 이용한 Image Extension 기법
KP186 |
None |
이정민, 유재익, 이상원, 신용구, 고성제, "Pyramid Image Extension: Pyramid Convolutional Module을 이용한 Image Extension 기법, " 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회, pp.341-343, 2019 |
RefineDet을 활용한 영상 기반 국내 환경 도로 객체 검출 및 교통 신호 인식 네트워크
KP185 |
None |
김예원, 선지영, 이상원, 고성제, "RefineDet을 활용한 영상 기반 국내 환경 도로 객체 검출 및 교통 신호 인식 네트워크," 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회 논문집, pp.436-438, 2019. |
Unsupervised Deep Contrast Enhancement with Power Constraint for OLED Displays
IJ212 |
Y.-G. Shin, S. Park, Y.-J. Yeo, M.-J. Yoo and S.-J. Ko. "Unsupervised Deep Contrast Enhancement with Power Constraint for OLED Displays," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 29, pp. 2834-2844, 2019. |
W-Net: Two-stage U-Net with Misaligned Data for Raw-to-RGB Mapping
IP254 |
None |
K.-H. Uhm, S.-W. Kim, S.-W. Ji, S.-J. Cho, J.-P. Hong, S.-J. Ko, "W-Net: Two-stage U-Net with Misaligned Data for Raw-to-RGB Mapping," ICCVW, 2019 |
Reverse and Boundary Attention Network for Road Segmentation
IP253 |
None |
J.-Y. Sun, S.-W. Kim, S.-W. Lee, Y.-W. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, "Reverse and Boundary Attention Network for Road Segmentation," in ICCVW, 2019 |
Deep Fashion Recommendation System with Style Feature Decomposition
IP252 |
None |
Yong-Goo Shin, Yoon-Jae Yeo, Min-Cheol Sagong, Seo-Won Ji, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Deep Fashion Recommendation System with Style Feature Decomposition," ICCE-Berlin 2019, pp. 314-318 |
Contrast Enhancement Using Sensitivity Model-Based Sigmoid Function
IJ211 |
S. Park, Y.-G. Shin, and S.-J. Ko, "Contrast Enhancement Using Sensitivity Model-Based Sigmoid Function," IEEE ACCESS, vol. 7, no. 1, pp.161573-161583, Dec. 2019. |
Selective sampling and optimal filtering for subpixel-based image down-sampling
IJ210 |
S.-H. Chae, S.-T. Kim, J.-Y. Kim, C.-H. Yoo, and S.-J. Ko, "Selective sampling and optimal filtering for subpixel-based image down-sampling," IEEE Access, vol.7, pp. 124096-124105, 2019. |
An optimization framework for inverse tone mapping using a single low dynamic range image
IJ209 |
M.Fan, D.-H. Lee, S.-W. Kim, S.-J. Ko, "An optimization framework for inverse tone mapping using a single low dynamic range image, " Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 78, pp. 274-283, 2019. |
Ensemble hand pose regression from the augmented initial poses
KP184 |
None |
조승희, 채성호, 유철환, 강월, 고성제, "Ensemble hand pose regression from the augmented initial poses," 대한전자공학회 하계학술대회 논문집, 제주, 대한민국, pp. 495-497, Jun.27, 2019. |