국내학술대회 깊이 영상 기반 렌더링을 위한 가이드 텍스쳐 영상 기반의 인페인팅 방법
Count KP160
Paper Level None
IEEE Format 안은선, 강석재, 김태찬, 고성제, "깊이 영상 기반 렌더링을 위한 가이드 텍스쳐 영상 기반의 인페인팅 방법," 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회 논문집, 제35권, 제1호, pp. 968-970, Jun. 2012.
paper url, cite url, program file
국내학술대회 위험 요소 분석을 통한 보행자 위험도 판단 기법
Count KP161
Paper Level None
IEEE Format 김성민, 김영현, 변근영, 고성제, "위험 요소 분석을 통한 보행자 위험도 판단 기법," 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회 논문집, 제35권, 제1호, pp. 971-972, Jun. 2012.
paper url, cite url, program file
국제학술대회 A New Constrast Enhancement Method for Under-Exposed Images
Paper Level
IEEE Format
Jun-Hyung Kim, Mun-Cheon Kang, Dae-Hong Lee, Hoon Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A New Constrast Enhancement Method for Under-Exposed Images," ITC-CSCC 2012, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 15 ~ Jul. 18, 2012. (oral)
국제학술대회 A Novel Color Balancing Algorithm for Panorama Images
Paper Level
IEEE Format
Kang-A Choi, Seung-Kyun Kim, Mun-Cheon Kang, Jae-Young Cho, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A Novel Color Balancing Algorithm for Panorama Images," ITC-CSCC 2012, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 15 ~ Jul. 18, 2012. (oral)
국제학술대회 Image Mosaicing Technique with Properties of Multi-Structure Preservation
Paper Level
IEEE Format
Jae-Young Cho, Jae-Yun Jeong, Hyun-Ji Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Image Mosaicing Technique with Properties of Multi-Structure Preservation," ITC-CSCC 2012, Sapporo, Japan, Jul. 15 ~ Jul. 18, 2012. (oral)
국제학술대회 Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP
Count IP195
Paper Level None
IEEE Format W.-J. Park, D.-H. Kim, Suryanto, C.-G. Lyuh, T. M. Roh, and S.-J. Ko,
"Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP,"
Proc. ICIP 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep. 2012, pp. 601-604.
Won-Jae Park, Dae-Hwan Kim, Suryanto, Chun-Gi Lyuh, Tae Moon Roh, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP," Proc. ICIP 2012, pp. 601-604, Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep. 30 ~ Oct. 02, 2012. (oral)
국제학술대회 Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP
Count IP195
Paper Level None
IEEE Format W.-J. Park, D.-H. Kim, Suryanto, C.-G. Lyuh, T. M. Roh, and S.-J. Ko,
"Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP,"
Proc. ICIP 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep. 2012, pp. 601-604.
Won-Jae Park, Dae-Hwan Kim, Suryanto, Chun-Gi Lyuh, Tae Moon Roh, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP," Proc. ICIP 2012, pp. 601-604, Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep. 30 ~ Oct. 02, 2012. (oral)
국제학술대회 A Novel Iris Center Localization based on Circle Fitting using Radially Sampled Features
Count IP222
Paper Level None
IEEE Format S.-T. Kim, K.-A Choi, Y.-G. Shin and S.-J. Ko, "A Novel Iris Center Localization based on Circle Fitting using Radially Sampled Features," 19th Int. Symp. Consumer Electronics, Madrid, Spain, Jun. 2015.
S.-T. Kim, K.-A Choi, Y.-G. Shin and S.-J. Ko, "A Novel Iris Center Localization based on Circle Fitting using Radially Sampled Features," 19th Int. Symp. Consumer Electronics, Madrid, Spain, Jun. 2015.
국제학술대회 An Artifact-Free Image Interpolation Using Edge-Directed Cubic Convolutions
Count IP223
Paper Level None
IEEE Format G.-H. Park, S.-J. Lee, J.-K. Kim, I.-H. Kim, E.-Y. Oh, and S.-J. Ko, "An Artifact-Free Image Interpolation Using Edge-Directed Cubic Convolutions," ITC-CSCC 2015, Seoul, Korea, pp. 642-644, Jul. 2015.
G.-H. Park, S.-J. Lee, J.-K. Kim, I.-H. Kim, E.-Y. Oh, and S.-J. Ko, "An Artifact-Free Image Interpolation Using Edge-Directed Cubic Convolutions," ITC-CSCC 2015, Seoul, Korea, pp. 642-644, Jul. 2015.
국제학술대회 Robust Global Motion Estimation for Video Stabilization
Paper Level
IEEE Format
Tae-Shick Wang, Seok-Jae Kang, Keun-Yung Byun, Tae-Chan Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko, “Robust Global Motion Estimation for Video Stabilization,” GCCE 2012, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2 ~ Oct. 5, 2012. (oral)
국내학술대회 실시간 시뮬레이션을 위한 초음속 환경 동체 고정형 적외선 탐색기의 모션 블러 모델링 기법
Paper Level
IEEE Format
강문천, 김준형, 권성민, 박혜령, 박준우, 고성제, "실시간 시뮬레이션을 위한 초음속 환경 동체 고정형 적외선 탐색기의 모션 블러 모델링 기법," 제16회 유도무기 학술대회 논문집, Sep. 20, 2012. (oral)
국내학술대회 향상된 Automatic Color Equalization을 이용한 새로운 대조비 개선 알고리즘
Paper Level
IEEE Format
이대홍, 강문천, 윤여진, 고성제, "향상된 Automatic Color Equalization을 이용한 새로운 대조비 개선 알고리즘," 대한전자공학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 제xx권, 제y호, pp. 535-538, Nov. 24, 2012. (oral)
국제학술대회 A Novel Iris Center Localization Method Based on the Spherical Eyeball Rotation Model for Human-Device Interaction
Count IP197
Paper Level None
IEEE Format K.-A. Choi, S.-J. Baek, C. Ma, S. Park, and S.-J. Ko, "A novel iris center localization method based on the spherical eyeball rotation model for human-device interaction," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013, pp.438-439.
Kang-A Choi, Seung-Jin Baek, Chunfei Ma, Seung Park, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A Novel Iris Center Localization Method Based on the Spherical Eyeball Rotation Model for Human-Device Interaction," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, pp.438-439, Jan. 11 ...
국제학술대회 A Novel Iris Center Localization Method Based on the Spherical Eyeball Rotation Model for Human-Device Interaction
Count IP197
Paper Level None
IEEE Format K.-A. Choi, S.-J. Baek, C. Ma, S. Park, and S.-J. Ko, "A novel iris center localization method based on the spherical eyeball rotation model for human-device interaction," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013, pp.438-439.
Kang-A Choi, Seung-Jin Baek, Chunfei Ma, Seung Park, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A Novel Iris Center Localization Method Based on the Spherical Eyeball Rotation Model for Human-Device Interaction," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, pp.438-439, Jan. 11 ...
국제학술대회 Sensor Fusion-Based People Counting System Using the Active Appearance Model
Count IP198
Paper Level None
IEEE Format S.-W. Kim, J.-Y. Jung, S.-J. Lee, A. W. Morales, and S.-J. Ko, "Sensor fusion-based people counting system using the active appearance model," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013, pp. 67-68.
Seung-Wook Kim, June-Young Jung, Seung-Jun Lee, Aldo W. Morales, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Sensor Fusion-Based People Counting System Using the Active Appearance Model," Proc. ICCE 2013, pp. 67-68, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 11 ~ Jan. 14, 2013 (oral).
국제학술대회 Sensor Fusion-Based People Counting System Using the Active Appearance Model
Count IP198
Paper Level None
IEEE Format S.-W. Kim, J.-Y. Jung, S.-J. Lee, A. W. Morales, and S.-J. Ko, "Sensor fusion-based people counting system using the active appearance model," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013, pp. 67-68.
Seung-Wook Kim, June-Young Jung, Seung-Jun Lee, Aldo W. Morales, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Sensor Fusion-Based People Counting System Using the Active Appearance Model," Proc. ICCE 2013, pp. 67-68, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 11 ~ Jan. 14, 2013 (oral).
국제학술대회 A Fast Pedestrian Detection Method using the Granule Feature with Gradient Magnitude
Count IntProc199
Paper Level None
IEEE Format Bo-Sang Kim, Sung-Ho Lee, Yeo-Jin Yoon, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A fast pedestrian detection method using the granule feature with gradient magnitude," In Proc. ICEIC 2013, pp. 159-160, Bali, Indonesia, Jan. 2013.
vol, no
국제학술대회 A Novel Post-Processing Method for Depth Image Resolution Enhancement Based on the Joint Bilateral Filter
Count IP200
Paper Level None
IEEE Format Aldo Morales, Seok-Jae Kang, Mun-Cheon Kang, Tae-Chan Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A novel post-processing method for depth image resolution enhancement based on the joint bilateral filter," ICEIC 2013, pp. 163-164, Bali, Indonesia, Jan. 2013.
vol, no
국제학술대회 Illumination-Adaptive Color Reproduction Method for Daylight Condition
Count IP201
Paper Level None
IEEE Format Le Thanh Ha, Jae-Young Cho, Hyun-Ji Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Illumination-adaptive color reproduction method for daylight condition," ICEIC 2013, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 189-190, Jan. 2013.
vol, no
국제학술대회 Fast Text Localization Using Block-based MST Clustering
Count IP202
Paper Level None
IEEE Format Hoon Kim, Keun-Yung Byun, June-Young Jung, Sung-Won Woo, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Fast text localization using block-based MST clustering," ICEIC 2013, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 195-196, Jan. 2013.
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