Count 알 수 없음
Paper Level None
IEEE Format "Neural morphological filters,"
제 5회 신호처리합동학술대회 논문집, 제 5 권, 제 1 호, pp. 45-48,
Sep. 1992.
고성제, "Neural morphological filters," 제 5회 신호...
Count IJ201
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format S.-H. Chae, C.-H. Yoo, M.-C. Kang, J.-Y. Sun, and S.-J. Ko, "Subpixel rendering for the pentile display based on the human visual system," IEEE Trans Consum. Electron., vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 401-409, Nov. 2017.
S.-H. Chae, C.-H. Yoo, M.-C. Kang, J.-Y. Sun, and S...
Count IJ202
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format S.-H. Chae, M.-C. Kang, J.-Y. Sun, B.-S. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, "Collision detection method using image segmentation for the visually impaired," IEEE Trans Consum. Electron., vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 392-400, Nov. 2017.
S.-H. Chae, M.-C. Kang, J.-Y. Sun, B.-S. Kim, and S...
Count IC0001
Paper Level None
IEEE Format A. T. Fam, Y. H. Lee, and S.-J. Ko, "Order Statistic Last Output Reference Filters," Proc. 1987 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing, pp. 1248-1251, Dallas, TX, USA, Apr. 1987.
Count IP200
Paper Level None
IEEE Format Aldo Morales, Seok-Jae Kang, Mun-Cheon Kang, Tae-Chan Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A novel post-processing method for depth image resolution enhancement based on the joint bilateral filter," ICEIC 2013, pp. 163-164, Bali, Indonesia, Jan. 2013.
vol, no
Count IJ193
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format B.-D. Choi and S.-J. Ko, "Split-and-merge based block partitioning for high efficiency image coding," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 540-549, Oct. 2016.
B.-D. Choi and S.-J. Ko, "Split-and-merge based blo...
Count IJ163
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format B.-K. Dan, Y.-S. Kim, Suryanto, J.-Y. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, “Robust People Counting System Based on Sensor Fusion,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1013-1021, Aug. 2012.
B.-K. Dan, Y.-S. Kim, Suryanto, J.-Y. Jung, and S.-...
Count IJ163
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format B.-K. Dan, Y.-S. Kim, Suryanto, J.-Y. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, “Robust People Counting System Based on Sensor Fusion,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 1013-1021, Aug. 2012.
B.-K. Dan, Y.-S. Kim, Suryanto, J.-Y. Jung, and S.-...
Count IP232
Paper Level None
IEEE Format B.-S Kim, S. Park, "A Study on the Correlation Between the Human Visual System and the Contrast Modulation in an UHD Display Resolution," SID 2017 Display Week, May. 2017.
B.-S Kim, S. Park, "A Study on the Correlation Betw...
Count IJ206
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format B.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Sun, S.-W. Kim, M.-C. Kang, S.-J. Ko, "CNN-based UGS method using Cartesian-to-polar coordinate transformation," Electron. Lett., vol. 54, no. 23, pp. 1321-1322, Nov. 2018.
B.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Sun, S.-W. Kim, M.-C. Kang, S.-J. ...
Count IJ200
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format B.-S. Kim, K.-A. Choi, W.-J. Park, S.-W. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, "Content-preserving video stitching method for multi-camera systems," IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 109-116, Aug. 2017.
B.-S. Kim, K.-A. Choi, W.-J. Park, S.-W. Kim, and S...
Count IntProc199
Paper Level None
IEEE Format Bo-Sang Kim, Sung-Ho Lee, Yeo-Jin Yoon, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A fast pedestrian detection method using the granule feature with gradient magnitude," In Proc. ICEIC 2013, pp. 159-160, Bali, Indonesia, Jan. 2013.
vol, no
Count IJ174
Paper Level SCIE
IEEE Format C. Ma, J.-Y. Jung, S.-W. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, “Random Projection-based Partial Feature Extraction for Robust Face Recognition,” Neurocomputing, vol. 149, no. 3, pp. 1232–1244, Feb., 2015.
C. Ma, J.-Y. Jung, S.-W. Kim, and S.-J. Ko, “Random...
Count IJ181
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format C. Ma, K.-A Choi, B.-D. Choi, and S.-J. Ko, "Robust remote gaze estimation method based on multiple geometric transforms," Opt. Eng., vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 083103-7, Aug. 2015.
C. Ma, K.-A Choi, B.-D. Choi, and S.-J. Ko, "Robust...
Count IJ172
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format C. Ma, S.-J. Baek, K.-A Choi, and S.-J. Ko, "Improved remote gaze estimation using corneal reflection-adaptive geometric transforms," Opt. Eng., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 053112-1-6, May 2014.
C. Ma, S.-J. Baek, K.-A Choi, and S.-J. Ko, "Improv...
Count IJ172
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format C. Ma, S.-J. Baek, K.-A Choi, and S.-J. Ko, "Improved remote gaze estimation using corneal reflection-adaptive geometric transforms," Opt. Eng., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 053112-1-6, May 2014.
C. Ma, S.-J. Baek, K.-A Choi, and S.-J. Ko, "Improv...
Count IJ214
Paper Level SCIE
IEEE Format C.-H Yoo, S.-W. Ji, Y.-G. Shin, S.-W. Kim, and S.-J. Ko. "Fast and Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation via Recurrent Neural Network for Capturing Hand Articulations," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 114010 - 114019, Jun. 2020
C.-H Yoo, S.-W. Ji, Y.-G. Shin, S.-W. Kim, and S.-J...
Count IJ195
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format C.-H. Yoo, S.-W. Kim, J.-Y. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, "High-dimensional feature extraction using bit-plane decomposition of local binary patterns for robust face recognition," J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent., vol. 45, pp. 11-19, May 2017.
C.-H. Yoo, S.-W. Kim, J.-Y. Jung, and S.-J. Ko, "Hi...
Count IJ208
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format C.-H. Yoo, Y.-G. Shin, S.-W. Kim, S.-J. Ko, "Context-aware encoding for clothing parsing," Electron. Lett., vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 692-693, Jun. 2019.
C.-H. Yoo, Y.-G. Shin, S.-W. Kim, S.-J. Ko, "Contex...
Count IJ170
Paper Level SCI
IEEE Format C.-S. Park and S.-J. Ko, “The Hopping Discrete Fourier Transform,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 135-139, Mar. 2014.
C.-S. Park and S.-J. Ko, “The Hopping Discrete Four...