깊이 영상 기반 렌더링을 위한 가이드 텍스쳐 영상 기반의 인페인팅 방법
KP160 |
None |
안은선, 강석재, 김태찬, 고성제, "깊이 영상 기반 렌더링을 위한 가이드 텍스쳐 영상 기반의 인페인팅 방법," 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회 논문집, 제35권, 제1호, pp. 968-970, Jun. 2012. |
위험 요소 분석을 통한 보행자 위험도 판단 기법
KP161 |
None |
김성민, 김영현, 변근영, 고성제, "위험 요소 분석을 통한 보행자 위험도 판단 기법," 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회 논문집, 제35권, 제1호, pp. 971-972, Jun. 2012. |
A New Constrast Enhancement Method for Under-Exposed Images
A Novel Color Balancing Algorithm for Panorama Images
Image Mosaicing Technique with Properties of Multi-Structure Preservation
Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP
IP195 |
None |
W.-J. Park, D.-H. Kim, Suryanto, C.-G. Lyuh, T. M. Roh, and S.-J. Ko,
"Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP,"
Proc. ICIP 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep. 2012, pp. 601-604. |
Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP
IP195 |
None |
W.-J. Park, D.-H. Kim, Suryanto, C.-G. Lyuh, T. M. Roh, and S.-J. Ko,
"Fast Human Detection Using Selective Block-based HOG-LBP,"
Proc. ICIP 2012, Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep. 2012, pp. 601-604. |
A Novel Iris Center Localization based on Circle Fitting using Radially Sampled Features
IP222 |
None |
S.-T. Kim, K.-A Choi, Y.-G. Shin and S.-J. Ko, "A Novel Iris Center Localization based on Circle Fitting using Radially Sampled Features," 19th Int. Symp. Consumer Electronics, Madrid, Spain, Jun. 2015. |
An Artifact-Free Image Interpolation Using Edge-Directed Cubic Convolutions
IP223 |
None |
G.-H. Park, S.-J. Lee, J.-K. Kim, I.-H. Kim, E.-Y. Oh, and S.-J. Ko, "An Artifact-Free Image Interpolation Using Edge-Directed Cubic Convolutions," ITC-CSCC 2015, Seoul, Korea, pp. 642-644, Jul. 2015. |
Robust Global Motion Estimation for Video Stabilization
실시간 시뮬레이션을 위한 초음속 환경 동체 고정형 적외선 탐색기의 모션 블러 모델링 기법
향상된 Automatic Color Equalization을 이용한 새로운 대조비 개선 알고리즘
A Novel Iris Center Localization Method Based on the Spherical Eyeball Rotation Model for Human-Device Interaction
IP197 |
None |
K.-A. Choi, S.-J. Baek, C. Ma, S. Park, and S.-J. Ko, "A novel iris center localization method based on the spherical eyeball rotation model for human-device interaction," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013, pp.438-439. |
A Novel Iris Center Localization Method Based on the Spherical Eyeball Rotation Model for Human-Device Interaction
IP197 |
None |
K.-A. Choi, S.-J. Baek, C. Ma, S. Park, and S.-J. Ko, "A novel iris center localization method based on the spherical eyeball rotation model for human-device interaction," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013, pp.438-439. |
Sensor Fusion-Based People Counting System Using the Active Appearance Model
IP198 |
None |
S.-W. Kim, J.-Y. Jung, S.-J. Lee, A. W. Morales, and S.-J. Ko, "Sensor fusion-based people counting system using the active appearance model," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013, pp. 67-68. |
Sensor Fusion-Based People Counting System Using the Active Appearance Model
IP198 |
None |
S.-W. Kim, J.-Y. Jung, S.-J. Lee, A. W. Morales, and S.-J. Ko, "Sensor fusion-based people counting system using the active appearance model," Proc. ICCE 2013, Las Vegas, USA, Jan. 2013, pp. 67-68. |
A Fast Pedestrian Detection Method using the Granule Feature with Gradient Magnitude
IntProc199 |
None |
Bo-Sang Kim, Sung-Ho Lee, Yeo-Jin Yoon, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A fast pedestrian detection method using the granule feature with gradient magnitude," In Proc. ICEIC 2013, pp. 159-160, Bali, Indonesia, Jan. 2013. |
A Novel Post-Processing Method for Depth Image Resolution Enhancement Based on the Joint Bilateral Filter
IP200 |
None |
Aldo Morales, Seok-Jae Kang, Mun-Cheon Kang, Tae-Chan Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko, "A novel post-processing method for depth image resolution enhancement based on the joint bilateral filter," ICEIC 2013, pp. 163-164, Bali, Indonesia, Jan. 2013. |
Illumination-Adaptive Color Reproduction Method for Daylight Condition
IP201 |
None |
Le Thanh Ha, Jae-Young Cho, Hyun-Ji Kim, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Illumination-adaptive color reproduction method for daylight condition," ICEIC 2013, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 189-190, Jan. 2013. |
Fast Text Localization Using Block-based MST Clustering
IP202 |
None |
Hoon Kim, Keun-Yung Byun, June-Young Jung, Sung-Won Woo, and Sung-Jea Ko, "Fast text localization using block-based MST clustering," ICEIC 2013, Bali, Indonesia, pp. 195-196, Jan. 2013. |