
논문 및 특허

번호 제목 날짜
33 [21] Chun-Su Park, "Adaptive Video Transmission Adopting Scalable Video Coding Over Time-varying Networks.", Dec. 2008. [288] 2009.03.19
32 [22] Hye-Soo Kim, "Cross-Layer Based Channel-Adaptive Video Transmission for Mobile Devices over Wireless Networks.", Dec. 2008. [143] 2009.10.27
31 [23] Dinh Trieu Duong , "Efficient Frame Error Concealments for Robust Video Transmission over Error-Prone Networks.", Jun. 2009. [263] 2009.10.27
30 [24] Ju-Hun Nam, "Hybrid Error Concealment Schemes for Video Transmission over Error Prone Channels.", Feb. 2010. [294] 2012.03.02
29 [25] Sang-Hee Park, "Spatial Deblocking Algorithm Based on Human Visual System.", Feb. 2010. [97] 2012.03.02
28 [26] Le Thanh Ha, "Adaptive Deblocking Techniques for H.264/AVC Video Compression Standard.", Aug. 2010. [275] 2012.03.02
27 [27] Hyeong-Min Nam, "Adaptive Video Streaming with Bandwidth Estimation and Content-Aware Video Resizing over Mobile Wireless Networks.", Aug. 2010. [40] 2012.03.02
26 [28] Seung-Won Jung, "Vitual View Synthesis Based on Human Body Modeling for Wide-baseline Multi-view Videos.", Feb. 2011. [135] 2012.03.02
25 [29] Jong-Woo Han, "Video Quality Enhancement Algorithm Using Interpolation and LCD Overdrive for LCD Devices.", Aug. 2011. [1147] 2012.03.02
24 [30] Jin-Hyung Kim, "Image Stabilization and Detail-Preserving Contrast Enhancement for High-Performance Camera System.", Aug. 2011. [162] 2012.03.02
23 [31] Kwang-Wook Lee, "Fast Content-Aware Stitching Algorithms for Surveillance Systems.", Aug. 2011. [1173] 2012.03.02
22 [32] Suryanto, "Spatial Color Histogram Based Center Voting Method for Subsequent Object Tracking and Segmentation.", Feb. 2012. [987] 2012.03.02
21 [33] Tae-Hyun Kim, "A Novel Face Recognition and Matching System Using Hidden Markov Model with DCT Feature Vectors.", Feb. 2012. [427] 2012.03.02
20 [34] Hae-Yong Yang, "Secure and Efficient Speech Communication Schemes over IP Networks.", Feb. 2012. [1393] 2012.03.02
19 [35] Seon-Tae Kim, "Fast Mode Decision Techniques for Highly Complex Scalable Video Coding.", Feb. 2012. [978] 2012.03.02
18 [36] Seon-Tae Kim, "Fast Mode Decision Techniques for Highly Complex Scalable Video Coding.", Feb. 2012. [906] 2012.11.14
17 [37] Jun-Hyung Kim, "A Variational Approach to Contrast Enhancement and Dynamic Range Compression for the HDR Image.", Aug. 2012. [1027] 2012.11.14
16 [38] Tae-Shick Wang, "Segmentation Based Motion Estimation Methods and Their Applications to Video Quality Enhancement.", Aug. 2012. [972] 2012.11.14
15 [39] Jae-Yun Jeong, "Visual Contents Adaptation with the Preservation of Perceptual Color Information for the Color Vision Deficients.", Aug. 2012. [1847] 2013.07.17
14 [40] Byoung-kyu Dan, "Robust People Counting System Based no Sensor Fusion," Aug. 2013. [438] 2013.07.17